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The University of Florida

B.S. in Media Production, Management, and Technology

  • GPA: 3.8

  • Course track is Digital Film & TV Production with an additional Minor in English 

  • Consecutive recipient of the Dean’s List acknowledgement of academic achievement

  • Member of the International Scholar’s Program, TEDxUF, and Rowdy Magazine

  • Attended the Cannes Lions International Festival for Creativity as a representative from the College of Journalism & Communications

  • Modules included Writing for Electronic Media, Screenwriting, Creative Nonfiction, and Advanced FictionWorkshop


Trinity College Dublin

Visting Student in English

  • Second Class Honours, First Division

  • Modules within the English discipline included Modernisms: Making it New, Imagining the Contemporary: No future?, Cultures of Retelling, and Pulp: Introduction to Popular Literature

Work Experience


Florida Museum of Natural History

Digital Imaging Technician

  • Photograph fluid-preserved specimens to be reproduced and reconstructed intotwo- and three-dimensional digital image data using software such as AdobeCreative Suite, Reality Capture, and Blender 

  • Craft CT reconstructions of fragile and rare specimens 

  • Distribute content to aid in research and education internally and externally onplatforms like Sketchfab and Morphosource

  • Assist the program "Moving and Improving the Florida Museum of Natural HistoryFish Collection" funded by the National Science Foundation


Oxenfree Film & Motion

Creative Assistant Intern

  • Serve as Production Assistant and Camera Operator on set

  • Build pitch decks to be used in new client discovery meetings

  • Assist in scriptwriting and creative development 

  • Edit video footage for branded content (commercials, social media, company reels)

  • Create shoot day schedules and pre-production plans


StaySane Care Packages


  • Worked with 13 local suppliers to garner care packages in an effort to restore communitymorale, provide a means to care for friends while maintaining social distance, and supportbusinesses most affected by COVID19

  • Created, advertised, and maintained a website and social media that linked orders to asupply/delivery network resulting in a 2-day maximum processing time.

  • Designed an assembly process that fulfilled 100+ orders with revenues of $6,000+ in the span of 2 months (inception to end) during a time when most businesses saw some to no sales, and eventually was commended in local news outlets for filling a regulatory void.




Media Director

  • Manage social media presence for TEDxUF through apps like Instagram and TikTok

  • Collaborate with (and coordinate) all-student team 

  • Organizational work such as scheduling content calendar

  • Executive produce the podcast, Let’s (TED) Talk About It


Rowdy Magazine

Online Editorial Director

  • Curate written content for online platforms that covers politics, entertainment and arts, fashion, and local happenings

  • Handle responsibilities such as hosting bi-weekly meetings, editing articles, planning promotional events, and making editorial decisions in regards to branding and digital presence 

  • Edit articles in a timely and constructive manner

  • Cultivate and sustain an efficient and encouraging community for all-student team of 100+ creatives

Basic Skills

  • Proficiency in the following apps/software: Adobe Creative Suite, Monday, Reality Capture, Final Draft, VG Studio, Blender,

  • Experience in cinematography, copywriting, social media management, creative development, and graphic design 

  • Basic German & French



I consider myself a very flexible person that can adapt to a wide range of environments and situations. This skill was really developed when I worked at a restaurant where I was the only native English speaker, everyone else spoke Hebrew. At first it was overwhelming being surrounded by a language that I didn't understand.  However, my coworkers and I started using a combination of the English words they knew and the Hebrew words I was learning. We would also meet in the middle and speak in bits of French, German, or any other common ground we could find. This experience showed me that effective communication is dependent on the amount of effort you're willing to put in and that being able to meet people where they are is one of the most valuable skills as a global citizen. 

Eagerness​ to Learn

I am always looking for opportunities to learn more and expand my horizons. Whenever I have the offer of new educational or professional experience, I take it. Going into my undergraduate degree I knew I wanted to study abroad and take advantage of the international resources UF has. In my time here, I've studied in two different countries and in two different disciplines. Whether it be school or work, I am always looking for more and will make the most of everything.


As a film major, so much of my work relies heavily on the work of my peers. I have had to learn how to trust the people I'm working with and also establish their trust in myself. My thesis project, for example, is an intense group project that requires the very best of everyone. As the writer and director, it can be hard to put my work into the hands of others. However, I have learned that open communication, establishing expectations, and maintaining healthy working boundaries are the recipe for success in creative collaboration. As I move forward, I know how to implement these and make the most of working with others. 


I am a very self-driven person. I know what I am capable of achieving and I will work hard to reach it. In all facets of life, I encourage myself to reach my full potential. Whether that be as simple as going to office hours so that I understand a class' material better, taking leadership opportunities within campus organisations, or even setting personal goals like getting a faster mile when I'm on a run or reading a certain amount of books every month. 

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